The Atlantic coast of Ireland has some of the highest concentrations of wave power in the world. If this power is harnessed, it can be turned into electricity. So since 2005, the Hydraulics and Maritime Research Centre (HMRC) in Cork has been working with industry (Ocean Energy Limited) to develop a prototype wave-power electric generator. The aim is to produce 500 megawatts of electricity from ocean energy by 2020.
Says Tony Lewis, the director of the Hydraulics and Maritime Research Centre at University College Cork (UCC) “The smallest scale that we use is this one-to-fifty scale which gives us an idea of how the concept will work, and when we get that then we scale up further to this one-to-fifteen scale model which then allows us to simulate, in a much more realistic way. The principle that it operates on is that there is a large ducting, or chamber, inside this device which is open to the sea at the rear and inside the chamber there is an air volume. That air volume is compressed by the waves and as the waves go by that compressed air is forced through the turbine which spins to generate electricity.”
After three years of experiments in the wave tank, a larger quarter-scale test device was moored one and a half miles off the coast of Galway on Ireland’s west coast. For the engineers on the project, designing a platform that could survive the harsh seas of the north Atlantic was the biggest challenge.
Says Richard Toll, research professor Economic and Social Research Institute in the Irish capital Dublin, “‘The reason why wave power is so expensive is two fold – first, very few people live in the ocean, it’s simply a long way away from where we need the electricity and that increases its cost and the second reason is that the environment is so hostile.”
But while wave power is expensive compared to other renewable such as wind, those costs should come down as the industry is scaled up. The future for wave power could still be bright.
Copyright © 2009 euronews
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Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Army Turns To Solar
Army turns to solar for mission power and more
Submitted by SHNS on Wed, 10/28/2009 - 14:26
By DAVID DANELSKI, The Press-Enterprise
The U.S. Army, joining the push to turn Mojave Desert sunshine into electricity, plans to blanket as much as 21 square miles at Fort Irwin with solar mirrors and panels.
Generating solar electricity inside the gates of the Fort Irwin National Training Center near Barstow will allow the military to end its reliance on the potentially uncertain California power grid, Brig. Gen. Robert Abrams said during a recent briefing.
"This is absolute insurance that we will be able to continue our mission to prepare and train forces for deployment," said Abrams, the base commander.
The state power grid could get knocked out by war or terrorism, but the more likely scenarios would be loss of electricity during storms or in blackouts caused by too much demand during hot weather, Fort Irwin spokesman Kenneth Drylie said.
The endeavor is the largest solar energy project within the Defense Department and part of an overall effort to develop secure and alternative energy sources for the military, a defense official said.
Army and Defense Department officials say they will work out long-term leases with two companies to develop solar power at five locations that aren't suitable for training missions on the 1,100-square-mile base. Electricity could begin flowing as early as 2012.
Clark Energy Group of Arlington, Va., and Acciona Solar Power, an affiliate of Acciona SA Corporation in Madrid, plan to produce as much as 500 megawatts of power.
Fort Irwin consumes at most 28 megawatts in the heat of August, Abrams said. The remainder, enough for about 290,000 homes, would be sold to utility companies.
The base, which has a daily population of nearly 23,000 troops, civilians and families, often is the last training stop for soldiers, sailors and Marines before they are deployed to overseas conflicts such as the war zones in Iraq and Afghanistan, Abrams said. The focus is on live-ammunition training with tanks and troops in desert terrain and simulated Middle Eastern communities.
The companies expect to invest $2 billion over 13 years, said Laurence Greene, development director for Acciona Solar Power, which has offices in Henderson, Nev.
To pay for the leases, the solar energy firms would bear the cost of building roads, installing utilities and developing amenities needed at the military training center, said Jerry Hansen, an acting assistant secretary of the Army.
Fort Irwin's territory includes habitat for desert tortoises, a species threatened with extinction. Protecting tortoises is one of the issues that will be examined in environmental reviews that are required before construction can begin. The reviews are expected to take two to three years to complete.
Greene said the first power could be generated by 2012, and all 500 megawatts could be online by 2022.
The developers plan to use a combination of thermal concentration, in which a heated fluid is used to generate steam, and photovoltaic panels, which directly convert sunlight to electricity.
The Fort Irwin solar project is proceeding at the same time state and federal officials are encouraging stepped-up solar and wind development to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and ease the nation's reliance on foreign fuels.
Earlier his month, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar announced the opening of a special renewable-energy office in Palm Springs to swiftly review applications for wind, solar and geothermal projects in territory controlled by the Bureau of Land Management.
(E-mail David Danelski at ddanelski(at) For more stories visit
Must credit The Press-Enterprise of Riverside, Calif.
Submitted by SHNS on Wed, 10/28/2009 - 14:26
By DAVID DANELSKI, The Press-Enterprise
The U.S. Army, joining the push to turn Mojave Desert sunshine into electricity, plans to blanket as much as 21 square miles at Fort Irwin with solar mirrors and panels.
Generating solar electricity inside the gates of the Fort Irwin National Training Center near Barstow will allow the military to end its reliance on the potentially uncertain California power grid, Brig. Gen. Robert Abrams said during a recent briefing.
"This is absolute insurance that we will be able to continue our mission to prepare and train forces for deployment," said Abrams, the base commander.
The state power grid could get knocked out by war or terrorism, but the more likely scenarios would be loss of electricity during storms or in blackouts caused by too much demand during hot weather, Fort Irwin spokesman Kenneth Drylie said.
The endeavor is the largest solar energy project within the Defense Department and part of an overall effort to develop secure and alternative energy sources for the military, a defense official said.
Army and Defense Department officials say they will work out long-term leases with two companies to develop solar power at five locations that aren't suitable for training missions on the 1,100-square-mile base. Electricity could begin flowing as early as 2012.
Clark Energy Group of Arlington, Va., and Acciona Solar Power, an affiliate of Acciona SA Corporation in Madrid, plan to produce as much as 500 megawatts of power.
Fort Irwin consumes at most 28 megawatts in the heat of August, Abrams said. The remainder, enough for about 290,000 homes, would be sold to utility companies.
The base, which has a daily population of nearly 23,000 troops, civilians and families, often is the last training stop for soldiers, sailors and Marines before they are deployed to overseas conflicts such as the war zones in Iraq and Afghanistan, Abrams said. The focus is on live-ammunition training with tanks and troops in desert terrain and simulated Middle Eastern communities.
The companies expect to invest $2 billion over 13 years, said Laurence Greene, development director for Acciona Solar Power, which has offices in Henderson, Nev.
To pay for the leases, the solar energy firms would bear the cost of building roads, installing utilities and developing amenities needed at the military training center, said Jerry Hansen, an acting assistant secretary of the Army.
Fort Irwin's territory includes habitat for desert tortoises, a species threatened with extinction. Protecting tortoises is one of the issues that will be examined in environmental reviews that are required before construction can begin. The reviews are expected to take two to three years to complete.
Greene said the first power could be generated by 2012, and all 500 megawatts could be online by 2022.
The developers plan to use a combination of thermal concentration, in which a heated fluid is used to generate steam, and photovoltaic panels, which directly convert sunlight to electricity.
The Fort Irwin solar project is proceeding at the same time state and federal officials are encouraging stepped-up solar and wind development to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and ease the nation's reliance on foreign fuels.
Earlier his month, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar announced the opening of a special renewable-energy office in Palm Springs to swiftly review applications for wind, solar and geothermal projects in territory controlled by the Bureau of Land Management.
(E-mail David Danelski at ddanelski(at) For more stories visit
Must credit The Press-Enterprise of Riverside, Calif.
Environmental Media Awards
Environmental Media Association Gives Out Awards
20th Anniversary Awards
HonoringSir Richard Branson, Centropolis Entertainment,National Geographic Society & Jason Mraz
October 25, 2009 – 6:30pmHollywood, CA
The Environmental Media Awards honor film and television productions and individuals that increase public awareness of environmental issues and inspire personal action on these issues.
Produced by Scott Mauro EntertainmentScott Mauro, Executive Producer
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Link to top of blog: http://www.usaalternativeenergynow,
20th Anniversary Awards
HonoringSir Richard Branson, Centropolis Entertainment,National Geographic Society & Jason Mraz
October 25, 2009 – 6:30pmHollywood, CA
The Environmental Media Awards honor film and television productions and individuals that increase public awareness of environmental issues and inspire personal action on these issues.
Produced by Scott Mauro EntertainmentScott Mauro, Executive Producer
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Link to top of blog: http://www.usaalternativeenergynow,
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Arcadia, Florida - Rural DeSoto County is mostly known for cattle and orange groves, but now power is putting it on the map.
"This is the largest one in the country," says Eric Silagy of Florida Power & Light, while standing in the middle of a field filled with solar panels.
FPL's giant DeSoto Next Generation Solar Energy Center officially starts producing electricity Tuesday and workers are spiffing up the place for a presidential visit.
While the solar center is the focus of Barack Obama's stop in DeSoto County, in nearby Arcadia, the owner of a new restaurant hopes the historic small town will also get a spot in the sun.
"So we're glad that he's coming," says Dennis Tyson of Mary Margaret's Tea & Biscuit. "He'll make people know where we are."
President Obama will use the solar center as a backdrop for an energy announcement. He's expected to announce plans to invest stimulus funds into clean energy and smart grid technology.
As for FPL officials, they say the president's stop here could energize the production of solar power. "It shows a recognition that Florida is on the right track," says Silagy of the attention from Obama.
The acres of solar panels will generate electricity for some 3,000 homes, but the facility cost $150 million to build. Cost is the big drawback for solar centers. They're more expensive to build than traditional power plants using coal or natural gas.
But Silagy says there are also benefits. "Remember, the fuel is always free. We're also producing no pollution at all-no emission."
And that's why FPL officials like Silagy believe solar power has a future in this state. "Absolutely, it doesn't say Sunshine State on the [license] plate for no reason."
10 Connects News
"This is the largest one in the country," says Eric Silagy of Florida Power & Light, while standing in the middle of a field filled with solar panels.
FPL's giant DeSoto Next Generation Solar Energy Center officially starts producing electricity Tuesday and workers are spiffing up the place for a presidential visit.
While the solar center is the focus of Barack Obama's stop in DeSoto County, in nearby Arcadia, the owner of a new restaurant hopes the historic small town will also get a spot in the sun.
"So we're glad that he's coming," says Dennis Tyson of Mary Margaret's Tea & Biscuit. "He'll make people know where we are."
President Obama will use the solar center as a backdrop for an energy announcement. He's expected to announce plans to invest stimulus funds into clean energy and smart grid technology.
As for FPL officials, they say the president's stop here could energize the production of solar power. "It shows a recognition that Florida is on the right track," says Silagy of the attention from Obama.
The acres of solar panels will generate electricity for some 3,000 homes, but the facility cost $150 million to build. Cost is the big drawback for solar centers. They're more expensive to build than traditional power plants using coal or natural gas.
But Silagy says there are also benefits. "Remember, the fuel is always free. We're also producing no pollution at all-no emission."
And that's why FPL officials like Silagy believe solar power has a future in this state. "Absolutely, it doesn't say Sunshine State on the [license] plate for no reason."
10 Connects News
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Monday, October 19, 2009
Germany Wins Solar Decathlon On National Mall October 2009
AND THE WINNER IS............
GERMANY - Second time in a row
Overall Standings
The current team standings and scores for the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon 2009 are shown in the chart below. See scores by team, scores by contest, and scores by day by clicking the tabs below. You may also click any of the links within the chart to see scoring details.
Day 9 - October 16. Last Updated: 09:02 AM (EDT)
Overall Standings Scores by Team Scores by Contest Scores by Day
Team Germany
Team California
Team Ontario/BC
Team Alberta
Ohio State
Team Missouri
Iowa State
Virginia Tech
Team Spain
Team Boston
Penn State
Puerto Rico
Univ. of Louisiana
Architecture Market Viability Engineering Lighting Design Communications
Comfort Zone Hot Water Appliances Home Entertainment Net Metering
Scores are subject to change due to corrections throughout the competition period. Overall scores reflect penalties, but individual contest scores do not. Therefore, the total score presented may not match the sum of contest scores.Advanced Scoring
The advanced scoring search tool allows you to search Solar Decathlon 2009 scores by combinations of team, contests, and days. --->
Printable Version
Next on to Madrid,
for the 2010 Europe Solar Decathlon Link to: Use Google to translate their webpage.
Link to Solar Decathlon:
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GERMANY - Second time in a row
Overall Standings
The current team standings and scores for the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon 2009 are shown in the chart below. See scores by team, scores by contest, and scores by day by clicking the tabs below. You may also click any of the links within the chart to see scoring details.
Day 9 - October 16. Last Updated: 09:02 AM (EDT)
Overall Standings Scores by Team Scores by Contest Scores by Day
Team Germany
Team California
Team Ontario/BC
Team Alberta
Ohio State
Team Missouri
Iowa State
Virginia Tech
Team Spain
Team Boston
Penn State
Puerto Rico
Univ. of Louisiana
Architecture Market Viability Engineering Lighting Design Communications
Comfort Zone Hot Water Appliances Home Entertainment Net Metering
Scores are subject to change due to corrections throughout the competition period. Overall scores reflect penalties, but individual contest scores do not. Therefore, the total score presented may not match the sum of contest scores.Advanced Scoring
The advanced scoring search tool allows you to search Solar Decathlon 2009 scores by combinations of team, contests, and days. --->
Printable Version
Next on to Madrid,
for the 2010 Europe Solar Decathlon Link to: Use Google to translate their webpage.
Link to Solar Decathlon:
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Solar Decathelon,
solar homes,
solar houses,
solar power
Bloomberg Oil Prices October 2009
Bloomberg Oil Prices October 2009
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Monday, October 12, 2009
Gov. Schwarzenegger - Expedite Renewable Energy
Gov. Schwarzenegger and Secretary Salazar Sign MOU to Expedite Renewable Energy Development in Calif.
by Valerie Gotten published Mon, 12 Oct 2009 – 19:28:12 -0700 PDTNo Comment
SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ — Further laying the groundwork for California to reach its environmental goals, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar in order to expedite the siting of California renewable energy projects. California is the first state to sign an MOU with the Department of the Interior (DOI) to cooperatively develop long-term renewable energy plans and to sheppard eligible projects through state and federal permitting processes that can receive 30 percent federal tax credits under the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (Recovery Act).
“California is showing the world how to protect the economy, environment and habitat all at the same time,” said Governor Schwarzenegger. “We know our future is in clean power, clean energy and clean technology, and we are taking action so California will be able to meet its ambitious renewable energy and environmental goals. Today’s first-of-its-kind agreement with our federal partners will also create jobs and get projects moving while maintaining high environmental standards.”
The MOU commits the federal government to work with California on a science-based process for reviewing, approving and permitting renewable energy applications in California, which will greatly help the state achieve its goal of reaching 33 percent renewable energy by 2020. The DOI and California Natural Resources Agency will develop detailed maps of the best areas for development and conservation – allowing for expedited project siting and habitat protection. The agreement also facilitates the identification of transmission corridors by December 2010 and includes the Department of Defense (DOD) in the process because some transmission lines may need to cross DOD lands.
“With coordinated environmental studies, good land-use planning and zoning and priority processing, we can accelerate responsible renewable energy production on U.S. public lands in California,” said U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar. “Together we can strengthen our nation’s and California’s energy security, protect our environment and help lay the foundation for a clean-energy economy for the 21st century.”
In addition to a broad commitment to work together, the parties of the MOU also agree to expedite projects that are on track to break ground by the end of 2010 and become eligible for more than $15 billion in Recovery Act funding. The Recovery Act specifically directs economic stimulus funding to qualified projects that begin construction by December 1, 2010. At the direction of the MOU, the Renewable Energy Policy Group will review a list of projects to be identified for this stimulus funding that if constructed, could add up to over 7,000 megawatts of new wind, solar and geothermal energy in California.
Under Governor Schwarzenegger’s leadership, California has led the nation and the world in establishing laws and policies aimed at promoting renewable energy and helping to fight global warming. Just last month, Governor Schwarzenegger signed an executive order directing the California Air Resources Board to adopt regulations increasing California’s Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) to 33 percent by 2020 – a goal that was first established by the Governor’s directive last year. The order will ensure California will have the flexibility needed to use renewable energy sources for 33 percent of our energy consumption by 2020 and places the highest priority on renewable resources that will provide the greatest environmental benefits that can be developed quickly and support reliable, efficient and cost-effective electricity system operations including resources and facilities located throughout the Western Interconnection.
Other accomplishments cementing California as a great leader on protecting the environment include:•In 2008, Gov. Schwarzenegger signed AB 1451, AB 2466 and AB 2267 to build on California’s commitment to increase renewable energy use. AB 1451 builds on the state’s solar power usage by continuing a property tax exclusion for projects that utilize solar panel energy and expanding the exclusion to builder-installed solar energy systems in new homes. AB 2267 builds on the state’s green economy by requiring the California Public Utilities Commission to grant incentives to eligible California-technology manufacturers. This bill also requires the CEC to give priority to California-based companies when granting awards and will not only create jobs for hardworking Californians but will attract more clean-tech and green-tech companies to the state. AB 2466 will increase energy efficiency and help protect the environment by authorizing local governments to receive a utility bill credit for surplus renewable electricity generated at one site against the electricity consumption at other sites.
•In 2006, the Governor signed the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, California’s landmark bill that established a first-in-the-world comprehensive program of regulatory and market mechanisms to achieve real, quantifiable and cost-effective reductions of greenhouse gas emissions. The law will reduce carbon emissions in California to 1990 levels by the year 2020. AB 32 requires CARB to develop regulations and market mechanisms that will ultimately reduce California’s greenhouse gas emissions by 25 percent by 2020. Mandatory caps will begin in 2012 for significant sources and ratchet down to meet the 2020 goals. The Governor has also called for the state to reduce carbon emissions to 80 percent below 1990 levels by the year 2050.
•In 2007, Governor Schwarzenegger furthered his historic leadership to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and lower California’s reliance on foreign oil by signing Executive Order S-01-07 that established the world’s first Low Carbon Fuel Standard for transportation fuels sold in California. The standard will reduce carbon content in all passenger vehicle fuels sold in California by at least 10 percent by 2020 and more thereafter.
•In 2008, the Governor announced the adoption of the country’s first statewide Green Building Standards Code by the California Building Standards Commission that went into effect on August 1, 2009. It is currently a voluntary standard and will become mandatory in the 2010 code. The International Code Council announced last month it is developing a new code for commercial buildings entitled the International Green Construction Code, and will use the current California Green Building Standards Code as a key reference document.
•In 2006, the Governor announced his Million Solar Roofs Plan to provide 3,000 megawatts of additional clean energy and reduce the output of greenhouse gases by three million tons, equivalent to taking one million cars off the road. Now known as the California Solar Initiative, the $3.3 billion incentive plan for homeowners and building owners who install solar electric systems will lead to one million solar roofs in California by 2017.
•The Governor announced as a component of the California Solar Initiative in 2007, the New Solar Homes Partnership (NHSP) aimed to help create a self-sustaining market for solar homes and gain builder commitment to install solar energy systems. A new home that qualifies for the NSHP is at least 15 percent more efficient than the current building standards.
California’s leadership in pushing to fight global warming and increase renewable energy will help boost our economy. According to an economic study by the University of California at Berkeley and Next 10, California’s policies will create as many as 403,000 jobs in the next 12 years and household incomes will increase by $48 billion.
AKPC_IDS += "5651,";
About the Author: Valerie Gotten (aka Valerie G) is an abstract painter, former movie stand-in, and volunteers for "green events" to help raise awareness about global warming, and help preserve California's wilderness and natural beauty. All content is Copr. © 2009 by California Newswire®, and Neotrope® News Network, USA. - all rights reserved. Sphere: Related Content
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by Valerie Gotten published Mon, 12 Oct 2009 – 19:28:12 -0700 PDTNo Comment
SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ — Further laying the groundwork for California to reach its environmental goals, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar in order to expedite the siting of California renewable energy projects. California is the first state to sign an MOU with the Department of the Interior (DOI) to cooperatively develop long-term renewable energy plans and to sheppard eligible projects through state and federal permitting processes that can receive 30 percent federal tax credits under the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (Recovery Act).
“California is showing the world how to protect the economy, environment and habitat all at the same time,” said Governor Schwarzenegger. “We know our future is in clean power, clean energy and clean technology, and we are taking action so California will be able to meet its ambitious renewable energy and environmental goals. Today’s first-of-its-kind agreement with our federal partners will also create jobs and get projects moving while maintaining high environmental standards.”
The MOU commits the federal government to work with California on a science-based process for reviewing, approving and permitting renewable energy applications in California, which will greatly help the state achieve its goal of reaching 33 percent renewable energy by 2020. The DOI and California Natural Resources Agency will develop detailed maps of the best areas for development and conservation – allowing for expedited project siting and habitat protection. The agreement also facilitates the identification of transmission corridors by December 2010 and includes the Department of Defense (DOD) in the process because some transmission lines may need to cross DOD lands.
“With coordinated environmental studies, good land-use planning and zoning and priority processing, we can accelerate responsible renewable energy production on U.S. public lands in California,” said U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar. “Together we can strengthen our nation’s and California’s energy security, protect our environment and help lay the foundation for a clean-energy economy for the 21st century.”
In addition to a broad commitment to work together, the parties of the MOU also agree to expedite projects that are on track to break ground by the end of 2010 and become eligible for more than $15 billion in Recovery Act funding. The Recovery Act specifically directs economic stimulus funding to qualified projects that begin construction by December 1, 2010. At the direction of the MOU, the Renewable Energy Policy Group will review a list of projects to be identified for this stimulus funding that if constructed, could add up to over 7,000 megawatts of new wind, solar and geothermal energy in California.
Under Governor Schwarzenegger’s leadership, California has led the nation and the world in establishing laws and policies aimed at promoting renewable energy and helping to fight global warming. Just last month, Governor Schwarzenegger signed an executive order directing the California Air Resources Board to adopt regulations increasing California’s Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) to 33 percent by 2020 – a goal that was first established by the Governor’s directive last year. The order will ensure California will have the flexibility needed to use renewable energy sources for 33 percent of our energy consumption by 2020 and places the highest priority on renewable resources that will provide the greatest environmental benefits that can be developed quickly and support reliable, efficient and cost-effective electricity system operations including resources and facilities located throughout the Western Interconnection.
Other accomplishments cementing California as a great leader on protecting the environment include:•In 2008, Gov. Schwarzenegger signed AB 1451, AB 2466 and AB 2267 to build on California’s commitment to increase renewable energy use. AB 1451 builds on the state’s solar power usage by continuing a property tax exclusion for projects that utilize solar panel energy and expanding the exclusion to builder-installed solar energy systems in new homes. AB 2267 builds on the state’s green economy by requiring the California Public Utilities Commission to grant incentives to eligible California-technology manufacturers. This bill also requires the CEC to give priority to California-based companies when granting awards and will not only create jobs for hardworking Californians but will attract more clean-tech and green-tech companies to the state. AB 2466 will increase energy efficiency and help protect the environment by authorizing local governments to receive a utility bill credit for surplus renewable electricity generated at one site against the electricity consumption at other sites.
•In 2006, the Governor signed the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, California’s landmark bill that established a first-in-the-world comprehensive program of regulatory and market mechanisms to achieve real, quantifiable and cost-effective reductions of greenhouse gas emissions. The law will reduce carbon emissions in California to 1990 levels by the year 2020. AB 32 requires CARB to develop regulations and market mechanisms that will ultimately reduce California’s greenhouse gas emissions by 25 percent by 2020. Mandatory caps will begin in 2012 for significant sources and ratchet down to meet the 2020 goals. The Governor has also called for the state to reduce carbon emissions to 80 percent below 1990 levels by the year 2050.
•In 2007, Governor Schwarzenegger furthered his historic leadership to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and lower California’s reliance on foreign oil by signing Executive Order S-01-07 that established the world’s first Low Carbon Fuel Standard for transportation fuels sold in California. The standard will reduce carbon content in all passenger vehicle fuels sold in California by at least 10 percent by 2020 and more thereafter.
•In 2008, the Governor announced the adoption of the country’s first statewide Green Building Standards Code by the California Building Standards Commission that went into effect on August 1, 2009. It is currently a voluntary standard and will become mandatory in the 2010 code. The International Code Council announced last month it is developing a new code for commercial buildings entitled the International Green Construction Code, and will use the current California Green Building Standards Code as a key reference document.
•In 2006, the Governor announced his Million Solar Roofs Plan to provide 3,000 megawatts of additional clean energy and reduce the output of greenhouse gases by three million tons, equivalent to taking one million cars off the road. Now known as the California Solar Initiative, the $3.3 billion incentive plan for homeowners and building owners who install solar electric systems will lead to one million solar roofs in California by 2017.
•The Governor announced as a component of the California Solar Initiative in 2007, the New Solar Homes Partnership (NHSP) aimed to help create a self-sustaining market for solar homes and gain builder commitment to install solar energy systems. A new home that qualifies for the NSHP is at least 15 percent more efficient than the current building standards.
California’s leadership in pushing to fight global warming and increase renewable energy will help boost our economy. According to an economic study by the University of California at Berkeley and Next 10, California’s policies will create as many as 403,000 jobs in the next 12 years and household incomes will increase by $48 billion.
AKPC_IDS += "5651,";
About the Author: Valerie Gotten (aka Valerie G) is an abstract painter, former movie stand-in, and volunteers for "green events" to help raise awareness about global warming, and help preserve California's wilderness and natural beauty. All content is Copr. © 2009 by California Newswire®, and Neotrope® News Network, USA. - all rights reserved. Sphere: Related Content
yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = "Gov. Schwarzenegger and Secretary Salazar Sign MOU to Expedite Renewable Energy Development in Calif.";
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Solar Home Tours Sweep United States TODAY!by Kevin Gardner, 10/03/09
Imagine 3,000 communities and 10,000 volunteers across the country in a one-day celebration of solar power. That’s why we are reminding you that the American Solar Energy Society kicks off their 14th Annual National Solar Tour TODAY in collaboration with more than 240 local groups as part of National Energy Awareness Month. Participants can take a peek at their neighbors’ homes and buildings using solar energy and other sustainable technologies, and see for themselves how to save money and the environment. See our previous post for more information.
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Imagine 3,000 communities and 10,000 volunteers across the country in a one-day celebration of solar power. That’s why we are reminding you that the American Solar Energy Society kicks off their 14th Annual National Solar Tour TODAY in collaboration with more than 240 local groups as part of National Energy Awareness Month. Participants can take a peek at their neighbors’ homes and buildings using solar energy and other sustainable technologies, and see for themselves how to save money and the environment. See our previous post for more information.
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Solar Decathlon on The National Mall - Homes Now Open
The Solar Decathlon on The National Mall
I just went to see the Hi-Tech houses on The Mall. They are built by college students from around the world. They are built with the latest technologies. They are beautiful!
I like the one from Iowa, Germany, Spain, Virginia Tech,......Well, I like them all. Each one has a couple things that make each one special.
Plan to see them before they close the event 18 Oct. 09. Houses will be closed to the public for one day the 14th Oct.
I just went to see the Hi-Tech houses on The Mall. They are built by college students from around the world. They are built with the latest technologies. They are beautiful!
I like the one from Iowa, Germany, Spain, Virginia Tech,......Well, I like them all. Each one has a couple things that make each one special.
Plan to see them before they close the event 18 Oct. 09. Houses will be closed to the public for one day the 14th Oct.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Bloomberg Oil Prices 09 October 2009
Energy Prices
Nymex Crude Future
71.77 .08 .11 10/09
Dated Brent Spot
69.88 .98 1.42 10/09
WTI Cushing Spot
71.77 .08 .11 10/09
Nymex Heating Oil Future
185.28 .59 .32 10/09
Nymex RBOB Gasoline Future
176.80 -1.17 -.66 10/09
Nymex Henry Hub Future
4.77 -.19 -3.89 10/09
Henry Hub Spot
3.94 -.31 -7.29 10/09
New York City Gate Spot
4.22 -.37 -8.06 10/09
ELECTRICITY ($/megawatt hour)
Mid-Columbia, firm on-peak, spot
41.03 1.43 3.61 10/09
Palo Verde, firm on-peak, spot
37.86 -2.02 -5.07 10/09
33.89 -2.51 -6.90 10/09
*Commodity futures and energy prices are in U.S. dollars.
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Nymex Crude Future
71.77 .08 .11 10/09
Dated Brent Spot
69.88 .98 1.42 10/09
WTI Cushing Spot
71.77 .08 .11 10/09
Nymex Heating Oil Future
185.28 .59 .32 10/09
Nymex RBOB Gasoline Future
176.80 -1.17 -.66 10/09
Nymex Henry Hub Future
4.77 -.19 -3.89 10/09
Henry Hub Spot
3.94 -.31 -7.29 10/09
New York City Gate Spot
4.22 -.37 -8.06 10/09
ELECTRICITY ($/megawatt hour)
Mid-Columbia, firm on-peak, spot
41.03 1.43 3.61 10/09
Palo Verde, firm on-peak, spot
37.86 -2.02 -5.07 10/09
33.89 -2.51 -6.90 10/09
*Commodity futures and energy prices are in U.S. dollars.
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Thursday, October 8, 2009
Fox Business Talks With T Boone Pickens - Pickens Plan
Fox Business Talks With T Boone Pickens About The Pickens Plan
See the video from Fox Business.
Natural Gas Vs. Diesel for new production vehicles class 5 thru 8.
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See the video from Fox Business.
Natural Gas Vs. Diesel for new production vehicles class 5 thru 8.
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Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Sunpowered Lawnmower
Automower for the elite class to keep their lawns green and trim
Though a lush green lawn is everyone's dream, the task of trimming a lawn is not believed to be the most favored chore. But you can cut your lawn chores down to one step with a fully automatic, solar powered robotic lawn mower, the Automower. Touted to be the best user friendly, green mower, it is designed to move about freely on a pre-wired green lawn. This will help to keep the robotic mower in check and ensure about the specification of area of grass to be cut. Programmed to give the lawn an even result and a carpet-like finish, even 'Islands' can be created by laying the wire around plants and flower beds. Leaving no carbon footprints behind with its zero-emission feature, this solar powered mover from Husqvarna also promises negligible noise pollution. For about 3,100 the Automower also boasts of being pet-friendly and kids-friendly too.
Though a lush green lawn is everyone's dream, the task of trimming a lawn is not believed to be the most favored chore. But you can cut your lawn chores down to one step with a fully automatic, solar powered robotic lawn mower, the Automower. Touted to be the best user friendly, green mower, it is designed to move about freely on a pre-wired green lawn. This will help to keep the robotic mower in check and ensure about the specification of area of grass to be cut. Programmed to give the lawn an even result and a carpet-like finish, even 'Islands' can be created by laying the wire around plants and flower beds. Leaving no carbon footprints behind with its zero-emission feature, this solar powered mover from Husqvarna also promises negligible noise pollution. For about 3,100 the Automower also boasts of being pet-friendly and kids-friendly too.
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Donut Shaped Wind Energizer Improves Turbine Efficiency
Donut-Shaped Wind Energizer Improves Wind Turbine Efficiency, Also Helps Soothe Wind Turbine Hemorrhoids
By Andrew Liszewski
A company called Leviathan Energy has come up with a clever way to improve the efficiency of wind turbines, without making any modifications to the turbines or propellers themselves. Using aerodynamic modeling, Leviathan designed a special plastic and metal skirt structure that wraps around the base of the wind turbine and directs the flow of the air to the critical areas of the blades. The system is guaranteed to increase the power output of a wind turbine by at least 15-30%, and at lower wind speeds (0-6 meters per second) the gains can be as high as 150%.
Now the Wind Energizer system isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. Each skirt has to be custom designed and built based on the height of the wind turbine, the length of the blades and the wind conditions where it’s installed, but Leviathan Energy claims the estimated period of return on the investment is just 4-5 years.
[ Leviathan Energy Wind Energizer ] VIA [ CleanTechnica ]
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By Andrew Liszewski
A company called Leviathan Energy has come up with a clever way to improve the efficiency of wind turbines, without making any modifications to the turbines or propellers themselves. Using aerodynamic modeling, Leviathan designed a special plastic and metal skirt structure that wraps around the base of the wind turbine and directs the flow of the air to the critical areas of the blades. The system is guaranteed to increase the power output of a wind turbine by at least 15-30%, and at lower wind speeds (0-6 meters per second) the gains can be as high as 150%.
Now the Wind Energizer system isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. Each skirt has to be custom designed and built based on the height of the wind turbine, the length of the blades and the wind conditions where it’s installed, but Leviathan Energy claims the estimated period of return on the investment is just 4-5 years.
[ Leviathan Energy Wind Energizer ] VIA [ CleanTechnica ]
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Africa's Solar Cell Phone
Meet Africa's solar cell phone
Thu Sep 10, 2009 1:03PM EDT
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YAHOO.util.Event.addListener( window, "load", function() { setTimeout(function(){ var buzz = new YAHOO.Media.Buzz("buzz-top",{"sync":"buzz-top","countPosition":"after","loc_strings":{"buzz_up":"Buzz up!","buzzed":"Buzzed!","one_vote":"{0} vote","n_votes":"{0} votes"}}); }, 15); });
Finding reliable power in Africa isn't quite the same as we have it here in the U.S., where we have an outlet available on every corner and get upset if there aren't two.
As such, gadgetry in Africa has had a halting evolution. In Kenya, for example, where virtually all of the country's power comes from hydroelectric sources, electricity is rationed to its citizens, who have to make do with a couple of days of power each week -- or have to travel to remote locations and pay to use a charging station.
Result: A whole lot of innovation when it comes to making do with limited resources. While Kenya may not have a lot of traditional power, it does have a lot of one thing: Sun. And solar power offers immense promise for Kenyans who want to keep battery-powered devices charged in the absence of a working outlet.
The latest innovation: A cell phone designed for the African market with solar charging features built right into the handset. Sure, you can find external solar charging devices like the Solio on the market, but the "Solar ya Simu" is apparently the first cell phone with a solar panel built into the case. When the phone runs out of juice, the user can just leave it in the sun for a few hours: One hour of full sun offers up to 15 minutes of talk time, and a full day in the sun can charge the phone completely.
Kenyans can buy the phone for the Kenyan equivalent of about US$40.
And you know what -- as great as this is for Africa, how about one for the rest of us? Just turn the back of every phone into a solar panel and free us all from the horrors of the grid for good. I'd even settle for a solar-ized iPhone sleeve as an aftermarket product.
Either way: All you'd need is a sun-lit window and your phone stays topped up. Sorry, Seattle!
Thu Sep 10, 2009 1:03PM EDT
See Comments (8)
Buzz up!6 votes
YAHOO.util.Event.addListener( window, "load", function() { setTimeout(function(){ var buzz = new YAHOO.Media.Buzz("buzz-top",{"sync":"buzz-top","countPosition":"after","loc_strings":{"buzz_up":"Buzz up!","buzzed":"Buzzed!","one_vote":"{0} vote","n_votes":"{0} votes"}}); }, 15); });
Finding reliable power in Africa isn't quite the same as we have it here in the U.S., where we have an outlet available on every corner and get upset if there aren't two.
As such, gadgetry in Africa has had a halting evolution. In Kenya, for example, where virtually all of the country's power comes from hydroelectric sources, electricity is rationed to its citizens, who have to make do with a couple of days of power each week -- or have to travel to remote locations and pay to use a charging station.
Result: A whole lot of innovation when it comes to making do with limited resources. While Kenya may not have a lot of traditional power, it does have a lot of one thing: Sun. And solar power offers immense promise for Kenyans who want to keep battery-powered devices charged in the absence of a working outlet.
The latest innovation: A cell phone designed for the African market with solar charging features built right into the handset. Sure, you can find external solar charging devices like the Solio on the market, but the "Solar ya Simu" is apparently the first cell phone with a solar panel built into the case. When the phone runs out of juice, the user can just leave it in the sun for a few hours: One hour of full sun offers up to 15 minutes of talk time, and a full day in the sun can charge the phone completely.
Kenyans can buy the phone for the Kenyan equivalent of about US$40.
And you know what -- as great as this is for Africa, how about one for the rest of us? Just turn the back of every phone into a solar panel and free us all from the horrors of the grid for good. I'd even settle for a solar-ized iPhone sleeve as an aftermarket product.
Either way: All you'd need is a sun-lit window and your phone stays topped up. Sorry, Seattle!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
France, Kazakhs Ink Military Transit, Energy Deals
France, Kazakhs ink military transit, energy deals
if(!YAHOO){var YAHOO = {};}
YAHOO.BuzzWidgetTries = 0;
if(YAHOO && YAHOO.util && YAHOO.util.Event && YAHOO.Media && YAHOO.Media.Buzz){
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} else if(YAHOO.BuzzWidgetTries
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AP – Kazakhstan's President Nursultan Nazarbayev, left, and French President Nicolas Sarkozy speak during …
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By PETER LEONARD, Associated Press Writer Peter Leonard, Associated Press Writer – Tue Oct 6, 12:04 pm ET
ASTANA, Kazakhstan – French President Nicolas Sarkozy scored a diplomatic coup Tuesday during a visit to energy-rich Kazakhstan, overseeing an agreement to allow military hardware for French forces fighting in Afghanistan to pass through Kazakh territory and clinching a raft of lucrative energy deals.
Facing criticism over its human rights record, Kazakhstan won a measure of support from Sarkozy, who said he discussed the issue with President Nursultan Nazarbayev but did not come to "give lessons."
France is among several Western nations courting Kazakhstan, a large ex-Soviet republic with rich oil and gas resources and a strategic location bordering China and Russia — long the dominant regional force — north of Afghanistan.
Nazarbayev said the transit agreement signed Tuesday governs the movement of military hardware and personnel to supply French forces serving with NATO in nearby Afghanistan.
"We need Kazakhstan to resolve the crisis in Afghanistan and in Iran, and to establish new relations with our friends in Russia in the fight against extremism," Sarkozy said.
The military transit deal had been under discussion for two years and covers both air transit and train transit of French military personnel and equipment via Kazakhstan, according to a French Foreign Ministry spokesman. He said train traffic could then go through neighboring Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan where France already has a military presence. The spokesman was not authorized to be named according to ministry policy.
The United States earlier struck a similar deal to ship supplies by rail through Russia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan to troops fighting in Afghanistan.
These agreements provide NATO with an important alternative to Pakistan, where supply convoys heading by road to Afghanistan have been hit by insurgent attacks.
The U.S. also reached an agreement earlier this year with neighboring Kyrgyzstan to continue using the Manas air base, crucial to military operations against the Taliban. France and Spain are trying to win similar agreements to use Manas, while the French military also use an air field in Tajikistan.
The French-Kazakh energy deal, worth an estimated euro1 billion ($1.46 billion), was signed to formalize the acquisition by French companies Total and GDF Suez of a 25 percent stake in the Khvalynskoye offshore natural gas field project in the Caspian Sea.
The field is now being developed by Russian oil giant, Lukoil, and is expected to start operations in 2016. It could produce up to 3 trillion cubic feet (9 billion cubic meters) of gas per year, by some estimates.
The deal will see an increase in Total's role in Kazakhstan, where it already controls a 16.8 percent stake in the vast Kashagan oil field project.
Kazakhstan also awarded a consortium of French companies a deal to take part in building a crucial $2 billion oil pipeline linking the vast Kashagan field to the Caspian. Energy supplies through the route will be transported across the inland sea by tanker to Azerbaijan and pumped by pipeline westward to Europe, circumventing Russia.
Both Western and Central Asian nations are eager to decrease Russia's control over oil and gas export routes from the region.
"This is an extremely important project that will become the main artery to transport Kazakh oil to Europe," Nazarbayev told reporters.
Kashagan has been hit by delays and soaring development costs and is not expected to begin production until 2012.
Other commercial accords included an agreement to create a joint venture between the two countries' state-owned nuclear power companies to produce and market fuel for nuclear power plants.
Kazakhstan is on the cusp of becoming the world's largest supplier of uranium, but it has in recent years reached out to commercial partners in Russia, Japan and China in a bid to ensure in can take part in all stages of the nuclear fuel production cycle.
France's Thales signed a euro100 million ($150 million) contract to supply radios to the Kazakh army. The company hopes the deal will lead to a bigger, euro2 billion ($3 billion) contract to supply communications equipment to the Kazakh military — a market dominated by Russian suppliers.
Sarkozy's visit came as Kazakhstan faced mounting criticism over its human rights record ahead of its 2010 chairmanship of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, a leading trans-Atlantic security and democracy body.
Human Rights Watch said this week that Kazakhstan has repeatedly flouted basic democratic freedoms and has been slow to implement reforms in line with its commitments to the OSCE.
But Sarkozy, the first French leader to visit Kazakhstan nation since 1993, mounted a robust defense of its upcoming OSCE chairmanship.
"When you come to this part of the world, you cannot make presuppositions, but you should try to understand what is happening," Sarkozy said. "The optimal way of solving problems — and there are problems, which I have discussed with the president — is not necessarily to come and give lessons."
Nazarbayev said that his government was willing to accept constructive criticism of its conduct, but said criticism of his country's record on human rights and democracy was ill-informed.
"During our chairmanship of the OSCE, our main goal will be rapprochement with Europe," he said, pledging to gradually adopt "all the values of freedom and democracy that exist in the Western world."
Associated Press Writer Angela Charlton contributed to this report from Paris.
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if(!YAHOO){var YAHOO = {};}
YAHOO.BuzzWidgetTries = 0;
if(YAHOO && YAHOO.util && YAHOO.util.Event && YAHOO.Media && YAHOO.Media.Buzz){
(function(){ var buzz = new YAHOO.Media.Buzz("buzz-top",{"sync":"buzz-bottom","countPosition":"after","fetchCount":false,"loc_strings":{"buzz_up":"Buzz up!","buzzed":"Buzzed!","one_vote":"{0} vote","n_votes":"{0} votes"}});buzz.onSuccess.subscribe(function(){ if(YAHOO.Updates){ YAHOO.Updates.Disclosure.showDialog({"container":"yup-container","source":"buzz","type":"buzzUp","lang":"en-US"}); } }); })();(function(){ var buzz = new YAHOO.Media.Buzz("buzz-bottom",{"sync":"buzz-top","countPosition":"after","fetchCount":true,"loc_strings":{"buzz_up":"Buzz up!","buzzed":"Buzzed!","one_vote":"{0} vote","n_votes":"{0} votes"}});buzz.onSuccess.subscribe(function(){ if(YAHOO.Updates){ YAHOO.Updates.Disclosure.showDialog({"container":"yup-container","source":"buzz","type":"buzzUp","lang":"en-US"}); } }); })();
} else if(YAHOO.BuzzWidgetTries
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Yahoo! Bookmarks
AP – Kazakhstan's President Nursultan Nazarbayev, left, and French President Nicolas Sarkozy speak during …
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if(window.yzq_d==null)window.yzq_d=new Object();
By PETER LEONARD, Associated Press Writer Peter Leonard, Associated Press Writer – Tue Oct 6, 12:04 pm ET
ASTANA, Kazakhstan – French President Nicolas Sarkozy scored a diplomatic coup Tuesday during a visit to energy-rich Kazakhstan, overseeing an agreement to allow military hardware for French forces fighting in Afghanistan to pass through Kazakh territory and clinching a raft of lucrative energy deals.
Facing criticism over its human rights record, Kazakhstan won a measure of support from Sarkozy, who said he discussed the issue with President Nursultan Nazarbayev but did not come to "give lessons."
France is among several Western nations courting Kazakhstan, a large ex-Soviet republic with rich oil and gas resources and a strategic location bordering China and Russia — long the dominant regional force — north of Afghanistan.
Nazarbayev said the transit agreement signed Tuesday governs the movement of military hardware and personnel to supply French forces serving with NATO in nearby Afghanistan.
"We need Kazakhstan to resolve the crisis in Afghanistan and in Iran, and to establish new relations with our friends in Russia in the fight against extremism," Sarkozy said.
The military transit deal had been under discussion for two years and covers both air transit and train transit of French military personnel and equipment via Kazakhstan, according to a French Foreign Ministry spokesman. He said train traffic could then go through neighboring Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan where France already has a military presence. The spokesman was not authorized to be named according to ministry policy.
The United States earlier struck a similar deal to ship supplies by rail through Russia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan to troops fighting in Afghanistan.
These agreements provide NATO with an important alternative to Pakistan, where supply convoys heading by road to Afghanistan have been hit by insurgent attacks.
The U.S. also reached an agreement earlier this year with neighboring Kyrgyzstan to continue using the Manas air base, crucial to military operations against the Taliban. France and Spain are trying to win similar agreements to use Manas, while the French military also use an air field in Tajikistan.
The French-Kazakh energy deal, worth an estimated euro1 billion ($1.46 billion), was signed to formalize the acquisition by French companies Total and GDF Suez of a 25 percent stake in the Khvalynskoye offshore natural gas field project in the Caspian Sea.
The field is now being developed by Russian oil giant, Lukoil, and is expected to start operations in 2016. It could produce up to 3 trillion cubic feet (9 billion cubic meters) of gas per year, by some estimates.
The deal will see an increase in Total's role in Kazakhstan, where it already controls a 16.8 percent stake in the vast Kashagan oil field project.
Kazakhstan also awarded a consortium of French companies a deal to take part in building a crucial $2 billion oil pipeline linking the vast Kashagan field to the Caspian. Energy supplies through the route will be transported across the inland sea by tanker to Azerbaijan and pumped by pipeline westward to Europe, circumventing Russia.
Both Western and Central Asian nations are eager to decrease Russia's control over oil and gas export routes from the region.
"This is an extremely important project that will become the main artery to transport Kazakh oil to Europe," Nazarbayev told reporters.
Kashagan has been hit by delays and soaring development costs and is not expected to begin production until 2012.
Other commercial accords included an agreement to create a joint venture between the two countries' state-owned nuclear power companies to produce and market fuel for nuclear power plants.
Kazakhstan is on the cusp of becoming the world's largest supplier of uranium, but it has in recent years reached out to commercial partners in Russia, Japan and China in a bid to ensure in can take part in all stages of the nuclear fuel production cycle.
France's Thales signed a euro100 million ($150 million) contract to supply radios to the Kazakh army. The company hopes the deal will lead to a bigger, euro2 billion ($3 billion) contract to supply communications equipment to the Kazakh military — a market dominated by Russian suppliers.
Sarkozy's visit came as Kazakhstan faced mounting criticism over its human rights record ahead of its 2010 chairmanship of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, a leading trans-Atlantic security and democracy body.
Human Rights Watch said this week that Kazakhstan has repeatedly flouted basic democratic freedoms and has been slow to implement reforms in line with its commitments to the OSCE.
But Sarkozy, the first French leader to visit Kazakhstan nation since 1993, mounted a robust defense of its upcoming OSCE chairmanship.
"When you come to this part of the world, you cannot make presuppositions, but you should try to understand what is happening," Sarkozy said. "The optimal way of solving problems — and there are problems, which I have discussed with the president — is not necessarily to come and give lessons."
Nazarbayev said that his government was willing to accept constructive criticism of its conduct, but said criticism of his country's record on human rights and democracy was ill-informed.
"During our chairmanship of the OSCE, our main goal will be rapprochement with Europe," he said, pledging to gradually adopt "all the values of freedom and democracy that exist in the Western world."
Associated Press Writer Angela Charlton contributed to this report from Paris.
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Alt-Energy Cell Phones Eschew The Power Grid
Alt-energy cell phones eschew the power grid
Tue Oct 6, 2009 1:54PM EDT
By Christopher Null: The Working Guy
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YAHOO.util.Event.addListener( window, "load", function() { setTimeout(function(){ var buzz = new YAHOO.Media.Buzz("buzz-top",{"sync":"buzz-top","countPosition":"after","loc_strings":{"buzz_up":"Buzz up!","buzzed":"Buzzed!","one_vote":"{0} vote","n_votes":"{0} votes"}}); }, 15); });
Last month I wrote about a cell phone designed for electricity-starved Africa which could be powered completely by the sun. But solar energy is only one way to get a gadget off the grid, and enterprising inventors are now turning to other alternative means to liberate phones from the cruelty of the power cord.
First, a prototype phone from a company known as TCL is looking to perhaps the oldest of old-school power generators for electrical needs: The human muscle.
By slapping a hand-crank wheel on the back of the phone, TCL lets users simply wind up the phone by hand whenever they need to make a call. A minute of cranking offers about four minutes of talk time, and long-winded chatterers can always crank further for an extension. The TCL phone, known tentatively as the Ventus, can also be charged via a small solar panel when the user is just too tired.
As the linked Telegraph story notes, aftermarket cell phone chargers with hand cranks attached have long been on the market, but this is the first known example of a cell phone with the crank baked right in.
For a higher-tech approach, Japanese cell carrier KDDI is looking to fuel cells to eliminate the need for a wall socket. Fuel cells, a long-promised chemical savior which could someday eliminate batteries from consumer electronics and even automobiles, haven't really made much impact in recent years, though companies continue to demonstrate advances in fuel cell technology on a prototype basis.
Finally it looks like things might be progressing to the point where fuel cells might be getting portable and reliable enough to make an entrance into real consumer products. For the first time, a company has built a fuel cell directly into a phone; previous prototypes have required bulky and impractical external power packs to work.
The advantages of fuel cells are many: They're more efficient than batteries and offer a longer running time for the gadget involved, and they can be recharged by simply "topping off" the reservoir with a little methanol, no need for a connection to the grid. Naturally there are problems with this approach -- who wants to carry a vial of methanol around? and what about traveling on airplanes? or spillage? -- but for some scenarios, particularly ones where power outlets are rarely available, a fuel cell phone might make for an excellent alternative to the usual way of the world.
Personally I'm holding out for a phone that can be recharged just by the energy collected from bouncing around in your pocket all day.
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Tue Oct 6, 2009 1:54PM EDT
By Christopher Null: The Working Guy
See Comments (1)
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YAHOO.util.Event.addListener( window, "load", function() { setTimeout(function(){ var buzz = new YAHOO.Media.Buzz("buzz-top",{"sync":"buzz-top","countPosition":"after","loc_strings":{"buzz_up":"Buzz up!","buzzed":"Buzzed!","one_vote":"{0} vote","n_votes":"{0} votes"}}); }, 15); });
Last month I wrote about a cell phone designed for electricity-starved Africa which could be powered completely by the sun. But solar energy is only one way to get a gadget off the grid, and enterprising inventors are now turning to other alternative means to liberate phones from the cruelty of the power cord.
First, a prototype phone from a company known as TCL is looking to perhaps the oldest of old-school power generators for electrical needs: The human muscle.
By slapping a hand-crank wheel on the back of the phone, TCL lets users simply wind up the phone by hand whenever they need to make a call. A minute of cranking offers about four minutes of talk time, and long-winded chatterers can always crank further for an extension. The TCL phone, known tentatively as the Ventus, can also be charged via a small solar panel when the user is just too tired.
As the linked Telegraph story notes, aftermarket cell phone chargers with hand cranks attached have long been on the market, but this is the first known example of a cell phone with the crank baked right in.
For a higher-tech approach, Japanese cell carrier KDDI is looking to fuel cells to eliminate the need for a wall socket. Fuel cells, a long-promised chemical savior which could someday eliminate batteries from consumer electronics and even automobiles, haven't really made much impact in recent years, though companies continue to demonstrate advances in fuel cell technology on a prototype basis.
Finally it looks like things might be progressing to the point where fuel cells might be getting portable and reliable enough to make an entrance into real consumer products. For the first time, a company has built a fuel cell directly into a phone; previous prototypes have required bulky and impractical external power packs to work.
The advantages of fuel cells are many: They're more efficient than batteries and offer a longer running time for the gadget involved, and they can be recharged by simply "topping off" the reservoir with a little methanol, no need for a connection to the grid. Naturally there are problems with this approach -- who wants to carry a vial of methanol around? and what about traveling on airplanes? or spillage? -- but for some scenarios, particularly ones where power outlets are rarely available, a fuel cell phone might make for an excellent alternative to the usual way of the world.
Personally I'm holding out for a phone that can be recharged just by the energy collected from bouncing around in your pocket all day.
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Saturday, October 3, 2009
Bloomberg Oil Prices 02 October 2009
Energy Prices
Nymex Crude Future
69.95 -.87 -1.23 10/02
Dated Brent Spot
67.14 -.93 -1.37 10/02
WTI Cushing Spot
69.95 -.87 -1.23 10/02
Nymex Heating Oil Future
179.68 -3.06 -1.67 10/02
Nymex RBOB Gasoline Future
174.09 -1.70 -.97 10/02
Nymex Henry Hub Future
4.72 .25 5.64 10/02
Henry Hub Spot
2.32 -.60 -20.55 10/02
New York City Gate Spot
2.53 -.57 -18.39 10/02
ELECTRICITY ($/megawatt hour)
Mid-Columbia, firm on-peak, spot
34.12 -2.56 -6.98 10/02
Palo Verde, firm on-peak, spot
26.10 -3.64 -12.24 10/02
30.16 .69 2.34 10/02
*Commodity futures and energy prices are in U.S. dollars.
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Nymex Crude Future
69.95 -.87 -1.23 10/02
Dated Brent Spot
67.14 -.93 -1.37 10/02
WTI Cushing Spot
69.95 -.87 -1.23 10/02
Nymex Heating Oil Future
179.68 -3.06 -1.67 10/02
Nymex RBOB Gasoline Future
174.09 -1.70 -.97 10/02
Nymex Henry Hub Future
4.72 .25 5.64 10/02
Henry Hub Spot
2.32 -.60 -20.55 10/02
New York City Gate Spot
2.53 -.57 -18.39 10/02
ELECTRICITY ($/megawatt hour)
Mid-Columbia, firm on-peak, spot
34.12 -2.56 -6.98 10/02
Palo Verde, firm on-peak, spot
26.10 -3.64 -12.24 10/02
30.16 .69 2.34 10/02
*Commodity futures and energy prices are in U.S. dollars.
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Green Festival in Washington DC
Green Festival in Washington, DC
Oct 10-11, 2009
125 Speakers - 350 Exhibitors
A joint project of Global Exchange and Green America (formerly Co-Op America)
Washington Convention Center
Free bike valet
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Oct 10-11, 2009
125 Speakers - 350 Exhibitors
A joint project of Global Exchange and Green America (formerly Co-Op America)
Washington Convention Center
Free bike valet
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