Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Gulf Alternative Energy

Gulf Alternative Energy has developed a new cellulose processing technology. Gulf’s new machine processes common feedstocks, such as sorghum, switchgrass and agricultural waste into a very fine powder. Lab tests show that this powder processes into sugars for ethanol much faster than normal feedstocks. Time is money in the production of biofuels.
The Company plans to patent its, exclusive technology to retrofit existing ethanol plants for cellulosic ethanol, as part of the technology package for new cellulosic processing plants, and also for use in the design and construction of its own cellulosic ethanol production facility.
Gulf Alternative Energy has developed a cellulosic ethanol preprocessor that can break down multiple feedstocks into minute particles thus facilitating and making more efficient the production of fuels from non-food feedstocks. The Company believes that this technology is the keystone to solving the problem of creating commercially viable ethanol from non-food feedstocks. With the worldwide demand for energy continuing to rise, Gulf Alternative Energy is working toward creating a long-term viable solution to meet the energy needs of the United States.

Link to: http://www.usaalternativeenergynow.blogspot.com/

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